Tag: "software testing company"

How to Select a Proper Test Management Tool?

How to Select a Proper Test Management Tool?

The execution of effective and efficient desktop application testing, website testing and mobile testing is impossible without using the test management tools. Such tools ensure the possibility to plan and design various checking processes, follow and manage the status of manual testing or automated testing. With their help different information about tests and their results [...]
10 Facts About Automated Testing

10 Facts About Automated Testing

Nowadays the principle of automation is widely applied during software testing; it concerns both web and mobile software products. But nevertheless, there are a lot of misconceptions and miscomprehensions concerned automated testing. Some people even engaged in IT sphere are sure that automated checking can solve all troubles and issues of software testing. Unfortunately, it [...]
Mantis: Pros and Cons

Mantis: Pros and Cons

It is well-known that a well-described bug simplifies the lives of both a developer and a tester. In such a case, there are not any misunderstandings or miscomprehensions; the work under product is done smoothly. A real helper to a specialist of software testing company is a bug tracker that ensures to open/describe and follow [...]
What Are ISTQB Levels?

What Are ISTQB Levels?

An authoritative software testingcertificate gives a lot of benefits to a testing engineer on the labor market. The certificates of such a kind increase the specialist’s employability. One of the most popular testing certificates is ISTQB. The abbreviation means International Software Testing Qualifications Board. It is not-for-profit organization founded in 2002. Many well-known software testing [...]
How to Get CSTE Certificate?

How to Get CSTE Certificate?

Nowadays a lot of various educational IT centers and schools provide a wide range of different training courses dedicated to desktop testing, web application testing or mobile testing. Often even software testing company offers online workshops. But not everyone can reach the success and become a software tester. Firstly, one should be advanced user of [...]
The Aspects of Mobile Applications Design

The Aspects of Mobile Applications Design

Nowadays the requirements to the usability of mobile software products are very high. The end users are more demanded. That is why a lot of attention is paid to product usability. For an application or a system to be popular, it should be handy and user-friendly. Besides that, it should have an interesting design and [...]
How to Use JUnit and Other xUnit Tools?

How to Use JUnit and Other xUnit Tools?

JUnit is considered to be a very useful tool used for unit testing. This framework is written in Java and belongs to xUnit tools for various programming languages. It was created by Kent Beck and Erich Gamma. Some developers criticize JUnit, the framework for unit testing. They are certain that such tools are overestimated, as [...]