Tag: "software testing company"

What is an Alternative to Automated Tests Scripts?

What is an Alternative to Automated Tests Scripts?

Proper management is a key component of any activity. Management is of utmost importance for mobile application testing, desktop testing or web site testing as well. It is necessary to take into account skills, knowledge and experience of the test team members when distributing tasks. It is also important to select the most useful and [...]
How to Create Good Automated Tests?

How to Create Good Automated Tests?

At present automation is widely utilized. Automated tests are included in almost every mobile testing, desktop testing or web site testing. It is known that software testing must be carefully planned. The same refers to automated testing. Before beginning to automate test-cases, one should research the application, make sure that automation of the chosen tests [...]
Is it Necessary to Test Automated Tests?

Is it Necessary to Test Automated Tests?

Automated testing instruments may contain errors, as any software products. So, one must check them before using. As a rule, automated tests contain fewer defects than ordinary software product. The reason for this is that automated tests are not as complex as other applications. But that’s not to say that automated instruments must not be [...]
4 Reasons of Poor Mobile Software Appearing

4 Reasons of Poor Mobile Software Appearing

Those, who perform mobile testing, desktop testing or web site testing, or have some knowledge about modern information technologies know that mobile software products significantly differ from desktop applications. Programs for personal computers appeared much earlier than programs for mobile devices. Modern mobile devices, like tablets and smartphones, are smaller than personal computers and their [...]
Can Software Bugs be in Automated Testing Instruments?

Can Software Bugs be in Automated Testing Instruments?

It is known that automation is widely used in course of mobile application testing, desktop testing and web site testing. Automated tests can greatly improve efficiency of testing works if applied appropriately. However some people wrongly believe that one can solve all kinds of software testing problems by means of automated testing. Software testing experts [...]
What Should User Interface be Like?

What Should User Interface be Like?

Usability is one of key qualities of any software product nowadays. Each project must include usability testing. Reported usability defects mustn’t be ignored. It is especially essential for mobile applications, as users are more demanding for mobile programs than for desktop ones. Usability is a broad and abstract concept. It comprises many aspects and can [...]
Why is Mantis Popular Bug Tracker?

Why is Mantis Popular Bug Tracker?

Today information technologies are rapidly evolving. A great variety of smart devices are available nowadays. Many software products have been created for them. Each application must be tested. So, web site testing, desktop testing and mobile application testing are in demand today. None testing process can be held without a bug tracking system. Any software [...]
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