What Makes Tester’s and Developer’s Lives Easier?

Software development and software testing are complicated processes which require huge efforts, a lot of lead and execution time. Every stage of software development life cycle should be well-considered and well-planned.

One may think that code writing is the first and the most essential part of software development. But it is not true. The whole life cycle starts with the product idea and further documentation creation. Some testers consider the documentation to be the thief of time. They are sure that mobile testing, desktop testing and website testingcan be easily performed without any documents.

What Are the Main Documents of Software Testing?

  • Requirements specification;
  • Requirements overview;
  • Test case specification;
  • Bug reports and requirements for them;
  • Test plan;
  • Test cases;
  • Checklist for sanity testing, etc.

The detailed documentation provides simplified and effective relations with clients. It prevents the occurrence of misunderstandings and confusions. The documentation defines and describes the look and functional characteristics of the product. It contains the requirements for testing procedure and bug reports.

It is possible to execute load testing, functional testing and security testingwithout any documents. It can be done by well-experienced and highly skilled specialists. But no one can be sure that there will not be any client’s complaints.

Keeping documents and familiarizing with them are the integral parts of software development life cycle. Everyone should remember that the documentation should not be neglected and disregarded.

Source: QATestLab