Scrum: Specific Features

Everyone knows general facts about the stages of software development life cycle. The peculiarities of software testingare well-known to some people. There are a lot of different notions in IT sphere. Now it is time to get to know more about Scrum.

Scrum is the methodology of agile software development. There are many differences between agile and traditional development processes. Scrum methodology is frequently used. It has several benefits in comparison with the usual procedure of product creation.

What Are the Advantages of Scrum?

  • Time saving;
  • Acceleration of production.

Scrum gives the opportunity to hasten the date of software pre-release. A wide range of various products are available in the market, and much more of them are now under development. In IT sphere, time is very precious and it cannot be wasted.

What Are Scrum Peculiarities?

  • The aim of the whole team is to produce the simple working release version of the product as quickly as possible. Later this version is being improved and modified. As a result, there are many product releases. During traditional software development, there is usually one product release.
  • The relations among the team members are closer. Developers and testers cooperate with each other with the aim of the fast production. One may consider them to be the opponents as they are always arguing and criticizing each other. However, it is not like that.

Acceptance testing, as well as integration testing, is often performed because of frequent releases and system modifications.

By using Scrum methodology, automated testing helps to save time. That is why it is often performed. Moreover, it provides fast and effective execution of regression testing.

Source: QATestLab