The first meeting of the group of Unity users in Odessa

Start: January 16, 2015
Address: Odessa, Ukraine

After the holidays on January 16th, 2015 the meeting of the group of Unity users in Odessa is to be hold.

The themes of this meeting are: possibilities of Unity 5, as well as the construction of artificial intelligence.

The program includes two reports:

  1. Ivan Dolgushin (Appturn) – «Approaches to the implementation of AI in games”

    Overview and comparative characteristics of popular approaches to the creation of game AI: finite state machines, decision trees, neural networks, etc. The choice of a suitable solution, hardcode vs. softcode and other features of the implementation.

  2. Nikolai Trusov (Unity Technologies) – «Lightmapping and new standard shader in Unity 5.0»

    In Unity 5.0 was made quite a few changes in the field of graphics. This report examines the changes associated with the replacement of lightmapping Beast to Enlighten, its new features and usage.

    We will also consider a new shader that is used by default for all objects. It uses a model Physically Based Shading (PBS), which has its own nuances you need to know to get impressive results.
