What Are Quality Criteria of Software Products?
The quality criteria of developed system or application are an essential element of software testing. The quality itself is rather abstract notion. That is why, it is necessary to define when the system under development is good enough to be put into production.
There are a lot of approaches to the quality criteria of software products. Sometimes the testing procedure shows the quality of the product. If during mobile testing, web application testing or desktop testing the serious defects are not discovered (only several bugs of minor priority were found), then the checking procedure can be completed.
Software testing company uses various groups of quality criteria. One of the most widespread groups is FURPS. This acronym consists of the first letters of product aspects which should be thoroughly checked before release.
What Is FURPS?
- Functionality (the product should function properly).
- Usability (the product should be handy and easy-to-use).
- Reliability (an unreliable application cannot become successful).
- Performance (the product should have an appropriate productivity).
- Supportability (should be guaranteed).
Sometimes the mentioned requirements are called quality attributes. These criteria are rather sketchy. They depend on the project peculiarities, its goal, terms, etc. That is why, the quality criteria should be defined for each project. Nowadays the acronym FURPS+ is used, where ‘+’ means other additional factors.
A test plan should specify the quality criteria after achievement of which functional testing, usability testing, performance testing, reliability testing, etc. may be completed and the product may be put into production.
Source: QATestLab