What Are the Advantages of xUnit?
As the applications and systems become more complex and complicated, software testing starts to play more important role of the development procedure. It even becomes the obligatory step of software development life cycle.
A set of various frameworks utilized during unit testing has appeared in order to arrange and regulate the development and testing processes. A huge amount of data may be required to create a code and to control its validation.
The majority of experts of website testing, desktop application testing and mobile testing are sure that such libraries have a big influence on the importance of testing activity and increase the concernment in this field.
The modern libraries for unit testing are used not only by software testers but also by the software engineers during test driven development. All such frameworks are based on the first SUnit library, and now they are known under the common name xUnit.
What Opportunities Does xUnit Provide?
- It ensures more effective and faster auto tests creation needed for regression testing.
- The developers are able to make different changes of the code with a low risk.
SUnit is a convenient tool but it is more suitable for the system written in Smalltalk. SUnit was developed in 1998 by Kent Beck, who is also a founder of Extreme Programming (XP). Besides that, one of the most widely used frameworks is JUnit created by Kent Beck and Erich Gamma.
JUnit is designed to unit testing of applications written in Java. It is considered to be one of the best frameworks from xUnit tools. JUnit was ported in other programing languages such as JavaScript, PHP, Perl, Python, Delphi, COS, C++, etc.
Source: QATestLab