How to Debug an App?

At the development stage, a product may contain a lot of errors and mismatches. The code requires much attention and it is checked several times by the developers.

A huge number of bugs may be discovered with the help of smoke testing, unit testing, functional testing, integration testing, etc. When the error is found, then it is necessary to define its nature and reason of occurrence, For this purpose, the specialists of software testing company check the product in two modes.

What Modes Are Needed for Testing?

  • Debug mode helps to define the reasons of bug occurrence.
  • Release mode is a version of system or app production which does not contain the elements connected with the bug fixing.

When the serious errors are found, the conditions of their occurrence are defined, then it goes the actual fixing process.

3 Main Methods of Debugging the App?

  1. Real-time fixing.
  2. Code checking
  3. Usage of bug reports

During real-time fixing, a tester uses a debugging program that ensures the code checking while the found errors are reproduced.

Code checking is applied if a bug is not very serious. In such a case, the error cause may be defined by visual examination of the code.

Very often mobile testing, website testing of software product testing are recorded. In such a case, a developer may use the detailed bug description or recorded materials to reproduce the error and define its cause in the source code.

Source: QATestLab