Unicorn Systems Supports Integrated CZ-SK-HU-RO Day-Ahead Electricity Market
Unicorn Systems SK has completed deployment of the mTMF information system for Slovenská elektrizačná prenosová sústava, a.s. (hereinafter only SEPS).
The system shall provide integration of all involved transmission system operators and market operators in the interconnected Slovak, Czech, Hungarian, and Romanian day-ahead electricity markets.
As described in a press release published by SEPS, a.s., operation of the extended Market Coupling, integrating Slovak, Czech, Hungarian, and Romanian day-ahead electricity markets, also known as 4MMC, has started at the end of the last year.
Based on submitted requirements, Unicorn Systems SK provided SEPS with a central communication hub to ensure data and information interchange among transmission system operators (ČEPS, SEPS, MAVIR, and Transelectrica) and market operators (OTE, OKTE, HUPX, and OPCOM).
The mTMF system is mission-critical for transmission system operators, as it provides data interchange in pre-coupling and post-coupling phases; its existence also fundamentally simplifies the entire architecture and contributes to its overall reliability.
The deployed technical solution is another step on the path to achieving a common EU objective: a unified electricity market, built through expanding regional initiatives, including 4MMC.
Jaroslav Kubinec, Executive Director of SEPS Trade Department, says:
“I believe it shows their appreciation of our company and experts operating the original TMF system, that our foreign partners once more entrusted us with the development and implementation process and later agreed that SEPS operates the central mTMF system for the extended Market Coupling format in the form of 4MMC. Unicorn Systems SK has once again proven itself to be a reliable partner, successfully deploying the solution approved by all involved transmission system operators in close cooperation with our experts pursuant to the agreed schedule.”
“I am happy Unicorn Systems SK could participate in this European project, delivering a solution which contributes to smooth and stable functioning of CZ-SK-HU-RO Market Coupling, reliably integrating all the partners”,
says Miloš Dvořák, Managing Director Unicorn Systems SK.
About Unicorn Systems
Unicorn Systems is a renowned European company providing the largest information systems and solutions in the area of information and communication technologies. We have focused on providing high added value and a competitive edge to our clients for many years.
We have been operating on the market since 1990 and since then we have created a series of high-end large-scale solutions that are extended and used among the most important companies in a variety of sectors.
We have the best references from companies in banking, insurance, energy and utilities, telecommunications, manufacturing, trade and the government. Our customers are not only the largest companies but also market leaders.
We have detailed knowledge of the entire spectrum of all business sectors. We understand the principles of their operation as well as comprehend the specific needs of our customers.
Our extensive team of systematically educated experts perfectly masters all current product lines, components, technology, and therefore we have essentially no technological restrictions. Even though we enforce a lot of revolutionary ideas in our work, the overall delivery of proven solutions are subject to fundamental criteria – quality, scope, term and budget.
Source: Unicorn System