Unicorn Systems Announces that the CWE Flow Based Market Coupling Goes Live
Unicorn Systems proudly announces that the flow based market coupling in the Central-West Europe (CWE) region was put into the full production operation mode on May 20th, 2015.
The flow based method represents revolutionary new approach reflecting the real power flows in the electricity transmission grids – individual commercial transactions are translated into the physical flows which are then checked against the technical limits of the network.
As the successor of the originally used ATC based method it brings better and safer utilisation of the transmission grids.
Several years of the ongoing verification of the flow based method and the parallel run with the existing ATC based method have proven significant benefits for all market participants – consumers, producers and transmission system operators (TSOs).
The implementation project of the flow based market coupling involved many organisations from several countries, including six TSOs – Amprion (Germany), Creos (Luxemburg), Elia (Belgium), RTE (France), Tennet (Germany and The Netherlands) and Transnet BW (Germany), three power exchanges – APX, Belpex and EPEX SPOT, and central allocation office – CASC.EU.
“Unicorn Systems has been the key IT supplier of the central platform comprising of TSO Common System (control of main business process, integration and communication hub) and TSO Private System (personal workspace for analysis and simulations of flowbase calculations). We have been responsible for the implementation of pre-coupling and post-coupling processes and Unicorn Open Platform (UOP) product was used as the technological foundation of the solution. We are delighted that we have had the chance to play this major role in the evolution of the interconnected energy markets towards the future pan-European single electricity market,”
said Jan Konrád, International Services Director Unicorn Systems.
About Unicorn Systems
Unicorn Systems is a renowned European company providing the largest information systems and solutions in the area of information and communication technologies. We have focused on providing high added value and a competitive edge to our clients for many years. We have been operating on the market since 1990 and since then we have created a series of high-end large-scale solutions that are extended and used among the most important companies in a variety of sectors.
We have the best references from companies in banking, insurance, energy and utilities, communication and media, manufacturing, trade and the government. Our customers are not only the largest companies but also market leaders. We have detailed knowledge of the entire spectrum of all business sectors. We understand the principles of their operation as well as comprehend the specific needs of our customers.
Our extensive team of systematically educated experts perfectly masters all current product lines, components, technology, and therefore we have essentially no technological restrictions. Even though we enforce a lot of revolutionary ideas in our work, the overall delivery of proven solutions are subject to fundamental criteria – quality, scope, term and budget.
CASC.EU is the central auction office for cross-border transmission capacity for Central Western Europe, the borders of Italy, Northern Switzerland and parts of Scandinavia. CASC.EU facilitates the purchasing and selling of transmission capacity by providing a single auction platform and point of contact.
For more information on the company, please visit www.casc.eu.
Source: Unicorn Systems