In 2013 Unicorn Grew on the Domestic Market as well as Abroad
The Unicorn Group, which provides complex services in the area of information technologies, achieved a turnover of CZK 1.561 billion in 2013. Unicorn has remained successful in its sales growth and in winning new projects not only in the Czech market but also abroad.
93 % of the Unicorn Group turnover comprised supplies of services in the area of development, integration, operation and support of information systems. The percentage of foreign projects in the total turnover amounted to 31 %.
In 2013 the Unicorn Systems continued successful implementation and acquisition of projects and services in the area of information and communication technologies for clients from banking, insurance, energy, industry, telecommunications, sales and other sectors. In 2013 the Unicorn System was successful in tenders in Switzerland, Montenegro, the Netherlands and also in Scandinavia.
Unicorn Universe based solutions for sharing information, cooperation and management support, which are provided by Internet service, were used in 2013 by more than 270 organizations and by over 50,000 individuals who performed more than 721,000,000 use-cases.
373 students are studying at the Unicorn College. In 2013 more than 9,500 candidates passed the professional qualification examination pursuant to Act No. 427/2011 Coll. to regulate Supplementary Pension Savings for Distribution of Certain Products in the Financial Market and pursuant to Decree No. 215/2012 Coll. Unicorn Top Gun Academy operated by Unicorn College has provided comprehensive education to 616 employees of the Unicorn Group.
The number of employees of the Unicorn Group in its subsidiaries in the Czech Republic, in Slovakia and in Ukraine totalled 989 at the end of the last year.
About Unicorn
Unicorn is a dynamic group of companies providing complex services in the area of information systems and information and communication technologies. Since 1990 the group’s mission has been to bring our customers a competitive edge and high added value by delivering top information products and services within the agreed quality, scope, time and budget.
The group consists of three companies concentrating on specific products and services portfolio – Unicorn Systems, Unicorn Universe and Unicorn College.
Unicorn Systems is a renowned European company providing the largest information systems and solutions in the area of information and communication technologies. We have focused on providing high added value and a competitive edge to our clients for many years.
We have been operating on the market since 1990 and since then we have created a series of high-end large-scale solutions that are extended and used among the most important companies in a variety of sectors. We have the best references from the banking, insurance, telecommunications, energy, industry, commerce and public sectors. Our customers are not only the largest companies but also market leaders. We have detailed knowledge of the entire spectrum of all business sectors. We understand the principles of their operation as well as comprehend the specific needs of our customers.
About Unicorn Universe
Unicorn Universe provides smart solutions for the support of management, sharing of information and mainly cooperation – you can organize your company, personal interests or other activities in your life. We build a space on the Internet where you will be able to easily offer your business to others. You can communicate with business partners, share necessary information with colleagues or plan joint events together with friends at a single point. Maximum accessibility, absolute security and guaranteed protection of the data committed are our priorities.
About Unicorn College
Unicorn College is a reputable private university offering a high-quality university education in the field of information and communication technologies, economy and management. Our goal is to provide students with the capability to actively apply the knowledge they gain where it is required and to complement their knowledge with hand-on experience.
Source : Unicorn