Unicorn Energy Forum 2015
January 15, 2015
Unicorn Energy Forum is a two-day conference to take place at the Diplomat Hotel Prague on October 8 – 9, 2015.
The conference is held for representatives of European companies operating in the energy market, particularly for representatives of TSOs, energy producers, traders, their associations, and regulatory institutions.
In the main, the conference shall deal with issues of support for trading processes using ICT technologies provided by Unicorn Systems and its partners.
As a part of the conference, solutions will be presented for the following areas: Market Management Systems, ETRM, CIS, Integration, Awareness and Situational Intelligence Systems, Asset Condition Management, Generation.
Conference Topics:
ICT Roles in Energy Industry The current energy industry could not operate without information system support. How should information systems respond?
Market Management While requirements are based on market rules and therefore conceptually identical throughout Europe, their implementation in European TSOs differs from country to country. How does scheduling or cross-border balancing work in different countries?
Generation and Trading Optimisation of heat and electricity generation using ICT system(s). How do ICT systems support gas and/or electricity trading?
Communication and Integration Communication among market participants grows ever more frequent. At the same time, the number and volumes of data interchanges relevant to system stability management grow larger. The importance of data security issues soars. How are they addressed at European level?
Security and Critical Infrastructure Management How can modern instruments of critical infrastructure management be used to more efficiently prevent and handle emergency situations?
Organisational Information:
Representatives of clients and employees of Unicorn Systems and its partners shall give lectures at the conference. Presentation contents shall be available in Czech and English both. The registration fee shall amount to EUR 199.
A casual social event shall be held on the first night, with performance given by a rock band called Unicorn Group.
Attendees shall be offered accommodations at the Diplomat Hotel Prague.
A detailed conference programme and additional information shall be provided later.
Source: Unicorn Systems