Unicorn Systems to Deliver IT System for South East Europe
Unicorn Systems has won the tender for delivery of the Damas system for transmission capacity sales for the PTC SEE CAO auction office in the region of South East Europe.
Under the project, Unicorn Systems will be responsible for deployment, operation, and service of the Damas trading platform for electronic auctions, providing transparent cross-border electricity trading within the region.
The Damas information system, Unicorn Systems’ flagship product for the power industry, shall provide coordination between transmission system operators, represented by a common auction office, and traders from all over Europe.
Thus, PTC SEE CAO, the company representing transmission system operators from 8th European region countries, will start using Damas. This information system is already employed e.g. by Czech ČEPS, Slovak SEPS, Italian Terna, Serbian EMS, Irish EirGrid, Romanian Transelectrica and – through their subsidiaries – British National Grid, French RTE, and Dutch TenneT.
“For us, deployment of the Damas trading system for PTC SEE CAO in the region of South East Europe is quite important, as it shall significantly improve our position in the Balkans and generate a number of other business opportunities in this region. I firmly believe our solutions and services will meet every requirement of local customers,”
said Jan Konrád, International Services Director, Unicorn Systems, commenting on the awarded tender.
Project Team Company in Charge of Establishing a SEE CAO (PTC SEE CAO) is a limited liability company established in Podgorica (Montenegro) on 4th of July 2012. Its goal is to establish a coordinated congestion management mechanism in the region of South-East Europe starting from 2014.
The shareholders of PTC SEE CAO are TSOs participating in the regional auction mechanism: Crnogorski Elektroprenosni Sistem AD (“CGES“), HEP – Operator prijenosnog sustava (“HEP-OPS“) , Elektro-Slovenija d.o.o (“ELES”), Independent Power Transmission Operator S.A. (“IPTO”), Transmission System and Market Operator j.s.c. (“KOSTT“), Operator na elektroprenosniot system na Mekedonija A.D vo drzavna sopstvenost (“MEPSO“), Nezavisni operator sustava u BiH (“NOS BiH“), Operatori i Sistemit te Transmetimit (“OST“), Turkiye Elektrik Iletim A.S. („TEIAS“) and C.N.T.E.E. Transelectrica S.A (“Transelectrica“).
About Unicorn Systems
Unicorn Systems is a renowned European company providing the largest information systems and solutions in the area of information and communication technologies. We have focused on providing high added value and a competitive edge to our clients for many years.
We have been operating on the market since 1990 and since then we have created a series of high-end large-scale solutions that are extended and used among the most important companies in a variety of sectors. We have the best references from the banking, insurance, telecommunications, energy, industry, commerce and public sectors.
Our customers are not only the largest companies but also market leaders. We have detailed knowledge of the entire spectrum of all business sectors. We understand the principles of their operation as well as comprehend the specific needs of our customers.
Our extensive team of systematically educated experts perfectly masters all current product lines, components, technology, and therefore we have essentially no technological restrictions. Even though we enforce a lot of revolutionary ideas in our work, the overall delivery of proven solutions are subject to fundamental criteria – quality, scope, term and budget.
Source : Unicorn Systems