Press Releases

Unicorn Systems Held Customers Day Was in Prague

Unicorn Systems Held Customers Day Was in Prague

On 10th May 2016, we invited our current customers to a Customers Day that we organized on premises of Microsoft company for presentation of the Unicorn Systems and Microsoft products. More than 30 representatives of our customers participated in the Customers Day. The main topic of the day was the common vision of the Unicorn [...]
NIX Solutions searched for the Best at the Job Fair at KhNU and KhAI

NIX Solutions searched for the Best at the Job Fair at KhNU and KhAI

The life of students in the first and final years differs a lot: one spends April preparing for vacation, while the other dedicates this time to start their career. NIX Solutions was an official partner of the job fairs at KhNU and KhAI, and helped students to find their dream job. At KhNU, students filled [...]
Unicorn Systems is the Winner of Prestigious Microsoft Awards 2016

Unicorn Systems is the Winner of Prestigious Microsoft Awards 2016

Unicorn Systems is the Winner of prestigious Microsoft Awards 2016 prize in a Modern Cloud Application category for its +4U OSVČ solution. The award ceremony of 18th year of Microsoft Awards 2016, competition for the best IT solution implementation for customers in the Czech Republic in 2016, took place on 3rd May at Microsoft Czech [...]
NIX Solutions Learned the Secrets of Managing Multiple Scrum Teams

NIX Solutions Learned the Secrets of Managing Multiple Scrum Teams

Caught in the spring sun of Barcelona, one immediately goes on a trip around the city. However, NIX Solutions’ project managers had another plan in mind. Of course, they made their Facebook photo report, but their main purpose was to level up skills in managing multiple Scrum teams. Check out how our managers have coped [...]
Infopulse Shares Its Best Practices for Wireless Network Design

Infopulse Shares Its Best Practices for Wireless Network Design

Infopulse Senior ICT Services engineer for Networking Yaroslav Glushko willingly shared his thoughts about wireless network design in a Q&A session with TechTarget’s Networking Media Group. Mainly Mr. Glushko talked about requirements, problems and solutions based on real cases and his work experience at Infopulse. Our specialist gave an insight on such issues by sharing [...]
GlobalLogic Java Conference #2 in Krakow: Summary

GlobalLogic Java Conference #2 in Krakow: Summary

On April 23, GlobalLogic has held its second Java Conference. With 8 carefully selected presentations and 160+ participants it was as successful as GlobalLogic’s first Java event in Poland. Today we are glad to share presentations of the conference’s Ukrainian, Polish and American experts. Dmytro Mantula has opened the conference with a talk on Akka [...]
Intellias is now a part of Lviv IT Cluster

Intellias is now a part of Lviv IT Cluster

In a close cooperation with universities and local authorities, the organization aims to implement educational initiatives, support various social IT projects and promote favorable image of Lviv both as an outstanding IT hub and a city with a highly favorable business climate, hence improving its competitiveness on a global IT arena. With 15,000 IT specialists [...]