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Presentation of Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative in embassy of German Federative Republic in Ukraine

Presentation of Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative in embassy of German Federative Republic in Ukraine

On 27 June the Ukrainian representatives of Hi-Tech initiative had a meeting with Mikhail Leshchenko, representative of German embassy in Ukraine (, Assistant for science.
Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative in Kharkiv

Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative in Kharkiv

On 3,4 June representatives of Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative held series of conference meetings with officials of leading companies software-developers of Kharkiv city within the framework of Regional development program.
Meeting Intel corporation subdivision for encouragement software market development

Meeting Intel corporation subdivision for encouragement software market development

Ukrainian HI-TECH Initiative representatives met managerial board of Intel corporation subdivision for encouragement software international market development and hold brief presentation of the Initiative activity.
Business meeting of Ukrainian HI-Tech Initiative with representatives of Research Triangle Institute (RTІ) Ukrainian office

Business meeting of Ukrainian HI-Tech Initiative with representatives of Research Triangle Institute (RTІ) Ukrainian office

Kyiv, July 30, 2003. Business meeting of Ukrainian HI-Tech Initiative with representatives of Research Triangle Institute (RTІ) Ukrainian office
Ukrainian HI-TECH Initiative ranks have been reinforced with one more participant

Ukrainian HI-TECH Initiative ranks have been reinforced with one more participant

Kyiv. July 31, 2003. Today Ukrainian HI-TECH Initiative ranks have been reinforced with one more participant “TECHNOLOGY AND MEDICINE” Kharkov company, which specializes mainly in special medical software development and full-package solutions for medical field.
Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative representatives in Intel Development Forum (IDF Russia)

Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative representatives in Intel Development Forum (IDF Russia)

Moscow October 29, 2003 - Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative representatives partook in Intel Development Forum (IDF Russia), which was held October 28-29 in Moscow.  In the course of the meetings they established new match contacts with the leading world and local software and hardware developers.
New members of Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative

New members of Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative

In November 2003 Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative  has got three new members. They are MIIK Kharkiv company   and two Kyiv companies Activemedia LLC and NET Technology Center WEB100.
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