Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative on CeBit 2004. New contacts new opportunities.
March 20, 2004
On the biggest in the world exhibition of information technology CeBit 2004 in Hanover Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative holds arranged meetings, aimed at getting new contacts with potential partners. Capabilities of Ukrainian software developers, members of Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative, attract world leaders in IT sphere.
Hanover, Germany. On the traditional exhibition of information technology, CeBit 2004, Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative holds arranged meetings and presentations, to denote Ukraine as the country with high scientific and intellectual potential and old programming traditions.
The Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative member-companies have a voluminous portfolio of projects, among which there are developments carried out for the clients from numerous world countries. Participation in international projects allowed the Ukrainian companies to introduce contemporary methods of project management in connection with software development.
All this allows Ukraine to be a competitive player on the global market of offshore programming. Together with the intense interest of the traditional countries, choosing Ukraine as the country for outsourcing, such as Germany, USA, Great Britain, a keen interest was expressed by the new players on this market, such as United Arabic Emirates.
This country has adopted a new economic policy, according to which information technology acquires as high a development priority as the oil industry. This region IT Market capacity has increased from $6 billions in 2002 to $8 billion in 2005. Number of internet users has increased ten times in comparison with 1998. Internet services market growth has twice exceeded that of Europe.
Based on this data, UAE representatives, as well as representatives of other Middle East countries, are conducting an active search for partners for intensive development of internal information infrastructure. Thanks to the meetings held during the exhibition, Ukrainian High-Tech Initiative may become one of the participants of these countries IT development.