ThinkJava#3 Meetup in Kharkiv

In the early spring, Kharkiv Java-developers already knew where they would be spending one of the Fridays in March—of course at the ThinkJava #3 event! The third meeting covered the theme of microservices and speakers shared their knowledge and experience with all of the conference participants. Because of rapid Java-community growth, this third gathering was held at the largest hall of co-working place—

Last fall, NIX Solutions experts attended the world Java-event – Spring One 2GX Conference. In order to share their experience, NIX Solutions speakers talked about microservices to the ThinkJava#3 guests.

The first speakers were Ivan Krivorotenko and Vlad Stus with a presentation on “Microservices and their friends.” Our guys talked about the setup and maintenance of the services, cautioned against possible problems, and advised on some ready-made solutions. At the conclusion, speakers answered the participants’ questions.

During the coffee break, Kharkiv Java-developers got charged into a good mood, had some great coffee, and established a mass of new connections.

The second speaker Vitaly Cymbalyuk presented on “How to feel safe when using microservices.” Vitaly talked about all of the pros and cons of microservices applications and approaches to ensure their safety. The speaker also answered the big question—“Is there a safe solution with minimal effort?” After the report, participants asked questions to our experts.

At the end of the evening, the conference guests received special ThinkJava#3 stickers and speakers received the plush Dyuk.

An excellent ending to the meetup was the after party carried on the first floor of Guests of the conference communicated with new friends, discussed the evening, and established new contacts.

Thanks to all of the participants of ThinkJava#3 and see you at the next conference!

Source: NIX Solutions