System of The Education of Ukraine
November 2, 2011
Education in Ukraine has a complex structure of the European type, it includes pre-school education, comprehensive secondary education, extra-school education, vocational technical education, higher education, graduate, postgraduate and doctoral education, self-education. Besides there are the following educational levels: primary general education, basic general secondary education, full general secondary education, vocational education, basic higher education, full higher education; educational qualification levels have the following gradation: qualified worker, junior specialist, bachelor, specialist, master. Adoption of such a ramified scheme is of a principal importance since it guarantees to a person a free choice and gives him/her a possibility to obtain education according to his/her mental and professional abilities. In pursuance of the Low of Ukraine “On education” citizens of Ukraine have the right to get education of different forms: daytime, evening, extra-mural and distant. Distant learning is successfully developing and improving alongside with the development of information technologies.(Schema of the system education of Ukraine)
Today Ukraine possesses function 17,2 thousand pre-school institutions with 1,055 thousand children, or about 39% of the total number of pre-school children. The children with mental and those having chronic diseases of internal organs are being taught at the institutions of a compensatory type – 1,3 thousand special institutions, 507 sanatorium type institutions.
Special kindergartens with a priority development of the certain type of activity implementing author’s programs, experience of the outstanding teachers of the past and present are being actively organized; they offer additional educational services. There are more than 1,7 thousand of such institutions.
The national system of secondary education of Ukraine embraces 21,6 thousand secondary educational institutions with 14,9 thousand ones situated in the countryside.
273 gymnasiums, 232 lyceums, 25 colleges have been established for gifted children, and the number of such educational institutions increases annually.
The boarding schools experience proved their necessity as establishments for social and working rehabilitation. If the social – pedagogical work with children with mental and physical defects, children-invalids is organized properly, they develop successfully.
According to the changes of the demographic situation and social – economic conditions the network of boarding schools is being constantly unproved. At the beginning of a new academic year 401 special boarding schools for children with mental and physical defects and social rehabilitation secondary schools and 221 private schools functioned in Ukraine.
Today, taking into account the international experience the concept of the 12-year term of study in the general secondary school and the 12-point scale marking system for pupils’ knowledge assessment is adopted and is being implemented in Ukraine. All the marks according to this 12-point scale will be entered into the relevant general certificate of education. Though the 12-point scale system is not the aim hi itself. It can become effective if it is accompanied by the list of compulsory school subjects’, state attestation and other above-mentioned measures.
The transition of the Ukrainian school onto the 12-year term of study prompts revising the contents of primary education. In regard to primary school children’s abilities primary school is called upon to provide raising children as citizens of Ukraine, ensuring their intellectual, social and physical development and their further development as personalities. The content of education is based on the human values, on the principles of scientific and cultural development, humanism, democracy, mutual respect among different ethnic groups. It aims at the protection of interests of an individual, family, society and the State of Ukraine.
According to the International program on education in human rights, the UN “Convention on Children’s Rights”, the Constitution of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine on “On Out-of-School Education” which defines the State policy in the sphere of extra-school education, its legal, social-economic, organizational, teaching and educational principles is adopted in Ukraine. The main objectives of extra-school education are:
- free development of a personality and formatting of his/her social experience and civil spirit;
- creation the conditions for creative, intellectual, spiritual and physical development of a child;
- search, development and support of capable and gifted children and young people.