Swissgrid Successfully Deployed Second Part of Scheduling Management System by Czech Software House, Unicorn Systems
Unicorn Systems’ team of specialists has successfully completed another stage of its information system delivery for the Swiss transmission system operator, Swissgrid. Unicorn has delivered a robust information system, called Scheduling Management System (hereinafter only ‘SMS’) for Swissgrid. The system is used to schedule, record, and match all electricity trades, both domestic and international, pursuant to the rules defined by the Swiss authorities and the European Union.
System security and stability affects European electricity market
Swissgrid is not just the Swiss transmission system operator, it is also one of the two coordination centres for electricity trading all over Europe. Unicorn has been awarded this contract against the tough competition from major international vendors of information systems for the energy industry. Unicorn has won Swissgrid over with sound references, excellent knowledge of the industry, and great professional qualifications of its project team.
Switching to new European communication standards
The project implementation started in 2014. The first system release, as deployed in late 2015, served its purpose. The second stage has been completed in November 2016.
In the step 1 of this second stage, the original business model specific to Swissgrid has been replaced with a new one, meeting the standards for use in the European power grid as defined by ENTSO-E*. This made communication and synchronisation processes much easier, both with market parties and with transmission system operators from neighbouring countries.
In the next step, a set of features has been deployed, allowing Swissgrid to actively monitor market participants and track changes to their open position and scheduled consumption. If any of the specified limits is exceeded, the system notifies dispatchers, so they may instantly respond and eliminate any dangerous situation with assistance of market participants and ancillary service providers, in order to preserve the balance of the system.
The new features added in the course of the second stage of the SMS project improve Swissgrid’s ability to prevent a number of potentially critical situations. This in turn improves the stability and security of operation of the entire transmission system, both in Switzerland and in its neighbouring countries.
Major milestone for Unicorn Systems
Successful deployment of the second stage of the SMS project at Swissgrid was a milestone of strategic importance for Unicorn Systems. In the course of the project, Unicorn’s implementation team gained valuable experience for future development of the Damas platform, on which the SMS system is built and which is even now considered one of the leaders in the world market for this type of solutions. However, the most important thing is the customer’s satisfaction – and Swissgrid has expressed its willingness to further improve this information system in cooperation with Unicorn Systems.
*ENTSO-E – European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity – is an association of 41 electricity transmission system operators from 34 countries across Europe. Fundamental objectives of ENTSO-E include building and operation of the internal electricity market and cross-border electricity trading, as well as optimum management and development of European electricity transmission systems as a part of coordinated cooperation among transmission system operators.
About Swissgrid
As the owner of Switzerland’s extra-high-voltage grid, it is responsible for the safe operation of the grid without discrimination, and for maintaining, modernising and expanding the grid efficiently and with respect for the environment. Swissgrid employs over 440 highly qualified people from 23 countries at its sites in Frick, Laufenburg, Uznach, Landquart, Ostermundigen, Prilly and Castione. As a member of the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E), it is also responsible for grid planning, system management and market design in the cross-border exchange of electricity in Europe. Several Swiss electricity companies hold the majority of the share capital of Swissgrid.
Source: Unicorn Systems