Software Testing Courses at Softengi

Tired of Googling and learning only theory? You want to become software tester and receive salary starting from $400? Softengi invites everyone to its courses for testing beginners.

For whom it will be useful?

  • everyone, who wants to work in IT, but does not know where to start;
  • novices is looking for software testing experience;
  • anyone who wants to start a career in testing just in 3 weeks.

The courses for  testing beginners from Softengi are:

  • Practice on real projects, and only the necessary minimum of testing theory;
  • Consultation of technical experts and recruiter for CV writing;
  • Level of Junior Tester, which allows work in the leading Kyiv IT companies with salary starting from $400;
  • 2 best students receive job in Softengi.

Teachers - leading software testing experts from Softengi, certified ISTQB testers, speakers of the largest SQA Days conferences for testers.


Source: Softengi