Softengi Testing Specialists Reported at the SQA Days # 15 in Moscow
On April 18-19, 2014 Moscow hosted the Fifteenth International Software Quality Assurance Conference «Software Quality Assurance Days». The reports of our software testing specialists at SQA-Days conferences has already become a good tradition.
This spring Moscow was visited by our leading testing specialists - Aleksandra Kovaleva, one of the leaders of the QA as a Services Department in Softengi, and Daria Kostiuk, the testing specialist in Softengi.
One of the previous reports of Alexandra Kovaleva at SQA-Days #13 in Saint-Petersburg about localization testing was rated in TOP-10 best reports at the conference. This time Alexandra’s report was devoted to efforts planning in testing, which was presented in the form of symbiosis of the planning theory and practical experience at QA Service Department in assessing the testing efforts.
QA managers and senior testers, who were the target audience of the report, we learned the difference between strategic, tactical and operational plans, what is the planning from the tester’s perspective and who is responsible for the efforts planning for testing. In addition, the presentation of Alexandra highlighted the issue of assessment methods and pitfalls of testing scheduling, based on her own more than five years experience in software testing.
The report of Daria Kostiuk, the testing specialist and training manager at Softengi, told about how testers independently developed approaches and tools for working with requirements. The main focus of the report was made on selection criteria and choice of tools for working with requirements.
The second part of report was devoted to the practical implementation of the chosen SpiraTest tool. The report was interesting for testers whose companies do not have analysts or they need to work with their own requirements.
Source: Softengi