Soft Industry LTD.
Soft Industry is engaged in providing services in the field of software development since 2000. Cooperation with Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative started almost from the moment of alliance foundation – over 10 years ago.
During this time the Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative organization has approved itself as a reliable and trustworthy partner. In the course of cooperation qualified specialists of the Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative organization demonstrate a high level of professionalism and competence in the area of information technology. As of today Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative is our good partner offering consultations and rendering assistance in all questions associated with the area of IT outsourcing.
It should also be noted that as a leading alliance in the field of offshore software development in Ukraine, Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative defends the interests of the IT industry at state level which in its turn contributes to the development of this sector in Ukraine. Besides the organization is doing a great job to raise the image of Ukraine as a provider of outsourcing services. In support of this in 2011 through the efforts of Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative Ukraine received the award “Outsourcing destination of the Year” within European Outsourcing Excellence Awards. We are confident that this event will contribute to the development of our company as well as other Ukrainian companies.
We can confidently recommend the Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative as a reliable, responsible and qualified partner.
Dmitry Voychenko, CEO, Soft Industry LTD.