Program-Ace Shares Game Dev Insights with Today’s Youth
Kharkiv, Ukraine has been recognized as one of the richest gaming industry talent pools in Eastern Europe. It not only attracts brilliant experts in the field of game development but educates talented beginners.
Doctrina IT school is one of the main Kharkiv studios that prepares future developers for serious problems that they will face and provides them with a huge repository of knowledge that is necessary for further formation of skills and abilities.
“Game Developers Conference organized by Doctrina IT school took place on May 21st in Kharkiv. A lot of prominent game development professionals have shared their valuable experience in creating successful games for national and foreign markets.
Two Senior Program-Ace experts presented their fascinating report papers. Our aces share their thoughts on what makes a game designer the way he or she is and how to develop a commercially profitable game for a variety of platforms.”
Yuri Sysoev, Project Manager at Program-Ace, paid special attention to what it means to be a game designer from project manager point of view. He told the audience about the set of skills that are mandatory and necessary for performing work tasks of game designer and PM. In addition, he explained his responsibilities at Program-Ace and demonstrated examples of art division’s work.
Sergey Moskvin, Game Developer at Program-Ace, introduced a research paper on how to develop a successful game. He highlighted the main stages of the game development process and outlined the procedures occurring at each stage. He also shared company insights on project management methodologies and their special features.
Thanks to Program-Ace’s rich experience in game development, our qualified experts were welcomed at the Kharkiv Game Developers Conference. Our specialists shared their experience and industry insights with the upcoming generation of game developers.
We will be honored to welcome enthusiastic and brilliant minds that can help us to strengthen our team. As a professional game development company, we are always glad to help our employees develop their skills in the field of programming and art as well as explore contemporary advanced technologies.
Source: Program-Ace