The first meeting of PHP User Group in Dnepropetrovsk
July 18, 2014
- Speaker: Dmitry Tarasov, Voronezh, DataArt. Topic: «Google App Engine & PHP SDK». About the speaker: He graduated from Faculty of Computer Science. In DataArt he has worked as a front-end-developer and PHP-developer and team lead and project manager. In his spare time he likes to sleep or exercise (football, rollers).
- Speaker: Ilya Andrienko, Kharkiv DataArt. Theme: “Layout in the project. ‘” About the speaker: Since 2007, he was a freelancer, he worked as a graphic designer, usability expert, front-end developer and backend-developer. In the autumn of 2013 took a job at DataArt, where all the forces improves coding and programming skills in PHP.
- Speaker: Alex Plekhanov, Dnepropetrovsk DataArt. Topic: “25 reasons to try Laravel». About the speaker: student of DNU, Department of Applied Mathematics. Working in IT for almost two years. All worked with PHP and JavaScript. In his spare time he enjoys python, web analytics and system administration.
- Speaker: Alex Rystenko, Kharkiv DataArt Topic: «Continuous integration» About the speaker: Graduated from the Faculty of Applied Mathematics KNURE, he has been in IT since 2007 Experience with C / C + + and PHP. Specializes in developing business applications.