Mykola Azarov: We consider the Ukraine’s IT industry to be a driver for entering a new level of economic development
November 17, 2011
While opening work of the International Scientific Congress on the development of information-communication technologies and an information society in Ukraine, The Prime Minister of Ukraine, Mykola Azarov, has admitted that IT business became for Ukraine the direction which would promote and accelerate the economic growth, and bring Ukraine to the leading countries of the world. “That is why the Government consider the development of this sector to be of great importance,” noted Mykola Azarov, and mentioned that Ukraine was among 5 leading IT countries of Central and Eastern European countries and was among 12 European countries developing computer games.
According to the Prime Minister, almost 3 thousand ICT companies and 200 thousand IT specialists are working in Ukraine.
The Head of Government has admitted the accelerated and effective development of Ukraine’s ІТ industry during last years, the growth rate of the industry reached 50% in 2011. The growth rate of domestic IT industry was not less than 30% even during the recession. “At such development rate the IT sector will form up to 8% of gross domestic product to 2015 year”, noted Mykola Azarov.
IT industry is a priority with the six industries identified as priority by the Government. Ukraine’s IT industry is a driver that will allow entering a new level of economic development and provide people with more social guarantees.
“That is why we are ready to provide all the necessary conditions,” assured the Head of Government. He noted that recently great attention was paid to the development of the internal market and creation of favorable conditions for businesses.
Thus, Mykola Azarov has paid attention to the importance of improving the Ukrainian information technologies in all areas: administrative, regulatory, technological, human resources, and infrastructure.
Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative participated in the event and took active part in the discussions and round tables aimed at the acceleration of Ukraine’s IT industry development and creation of favorable conditions for IT businesses as Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative believes that Ukrainian IT industry should receive all the conditions for successful competitiveness with other countries.