Press release: London, 3 June, 2003 – Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative presented exposition at OutsourceWorld London ‘2003 international exhibition.
January 1, 2004
London, 3 June, 2003 – Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative ( jointly with Finport Technologies company( presented exposition at OutsourceWorld London ‘2003 international exhibition. Ukrainian software developing companies revealed their scientific potential and demonstrated projects they had developed to the biggest world companies, which make orders for Hi-Tech development projects.
Experts of Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiatives report that there are about two thousand software developing companies operating in Ukraine. Potential of already existing producers surpasses demands of the local market in great extend and thus attracts foreign outsourcing projects. Owing to high qualification level and comparatively low cost many foreign countries are intrigued to employ Ukrainian producers. Though the present day sate of affairs shows that a considerable part of Ukrainian products is being sold without any reference to their direct developers – Ukrainian professionals. Such a status quo erodes image of Ukraine as a country-software developer and hampers its independent promotion at external markets.
“The fact of consolidating the companies into one Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative, which aims to jointly solve complex problems represents one of the maturity signs of software development field in Ukraine and a facility to break negative bias. That is the reason why we have organized the Initiative.” denoted Victor Maznyuk, coordinator of Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative.
The following development projects of Ukrainian companies were exposed at OutsourceWorld ‘2003 exhibition (booth 783):
Infopulse Ukraine (Kiev)
KP VTI (Kiev)
Novatek (Kiev)
Program Development System (Kiev)
Tessart (Kiev)
Vimas Technologies (Kiev)
KIT Group (Kharkov)
NIX Solutions (Kharkov)
Elite Software Products (Kharkov)
SoftPro Workgroup (Kharkov)
BeeSoft’s (Dnepropetrovsk)
Oleg Demchik
For detailed information on the OutsourceWorld ‘2003 exhibition, please apply to WWW.OUTSOURCEWORLD.ORG
Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative (WWW.HI-TECH.ORG.UA) – is a non-profit association, which unites Ukrainian software developing companies, scientific and research institutes, educational establishments, public organizations and experts who act in Hi-Tech fields in Ukraine and abroad.
The Initiative pursues the following objectives: to widen international relations and contacts on cooperation in Hi-Tech field, to build effective channels for information exchange with Western firms, to extend Hi-Tech branches of economy in Ukraine, to extend export potential of Ukrainian entrepreneurs, to contribute to creation of favorable image of Ukrainian Hi-Tech branches at Western markets, promote raise of qualification level of IT-experts, to found Ukrainian club/community for IT-experts.