IoT Era to Come
The development of the Internet of Things is gaining momentum. People are investing in promising products, services, and applications, which should significantly change our lives in the coming years. Smart houses, personal and public transport, factories, apps for health control & many others – these are only a few fields for IoT implementation. Experts are now discussing what obstacles still exist and what needs to be done to accelerate the implementation of new technologies (better internet connectivity, more powerful device power supplies) and which areas of the IOT can be used more extensively. According to some forecasts, the total amount of money invested in IoT market will be tripled till the year 2025 and will reach 75,5 billion dollars.
The large amount of data IoT collects nowadays and the one it will collect in the nearby future is impressive. This data can be a source for further researches and again new technological startups, the goal of which is to accelerate and reduce production costs, as well as to improve our daily lives. Nowadays, only a small amount of the data is used, so the potential is yet to be discovered.
We also did not stay behind. Today, programming capabilities allow us to develop and implement IoT ideas in a fast and quality way. Rapidly developing JavaScript-technologies with lots of regularly updated frameworks are the best choice for IoT services and apps’ proper development.
Our team has just finished working on the system of remote control of an assembly-line production. It is called ICT Sorter and it’s a tablet application with three access levels. The first one is designed for a factory worker who directly controls and manages the conveyor, the second is an engineering level, and the third is a top management level. The application is built with React Native and integrated with back-end API.
IoT has only started its evolution and the companies that invest in new technologies will certainly get competitive advantages in the nearby future. Despite the fact that nowadays new devices are not sufficiently secured and fall under the attack of hackers from time to time, the mass market of the IoT will accelerate the invention of new levels of security.