Intetics contributes to Wikipedia’s mission of spreading knowledge
On January 15th 2016, Wikipedia turned 15 years old. The information resource has become invaluable across the world.
Its up-to-date encyclopedia content is created by volunteers in more than 277 national languages.
It currently contains a total of 30 million articles on virtually every topic imaginable, out of which over 5 million are in English.
Intetics is a proud supporter of Wikimedia Foundation, the non-for-profit organization that ensures its flagship product, Wikipedia, is well-maintained and ad free.
In addition to Wikipedia, the Wikimedia family of products also includes Wikimedia Commons, which contains over 30 million freely usable media files.
Wikipedia’s 15th birthday marks a time when 28% of the Earth’s population has never known a world without Wikipedia. Intetics has supported Wikimedia for many years. We are happy to stand behind an online space that helps millions of people learn and share knowledge.
Source: Intetics