Intetics travels to Florida to promote the Belarusian IT Industry
On Tuesday, April 28th 2015, Intetics took part in Discover IT Belarus roadshow organized by Belarus Hi-Tech Park (HTP) in Miami, FL.
The main goal of the event was to promote the existence of HTP abroad and to establish business relations between Belarusian and South Floridian IT companies.
Members of the Belarusian delegation included HTP Director Valeriy Tsepkalo, Belarus-US diplomat Pavel Shidlovsky, and 4 other HTP corporate members.
The day consisted of two major business events. The first was the delegation’s participation in the Technology Leaders of the Year Awards 2015, organized by the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce. This event honored the leaders in the IT industry in Miami and provided great networking opportunities with local companies developing innovative software.
The event honored the best and the brightest technology leaders of the greater Miami area. The winners included Daniel Cane, Founder of Blackboard Inc. and current CEO and co-founder of Modernizing Medicine, Mimi Taylor, the CIO of Baptist Health South Florida, Herwig Konings of Accredify and companies Ryder System Inc and Entic.
Technology of the Year Awards 2015 Cane, who was also the keynote speaker at the event informed the audience that Florida is actually the 3rd largest state for high-tech establishments and 3rd largest exporter of high-tech products in the US. The state is also home to over 26,000 IT companies.
The second event of the day took place at the offices of GreenbergTraurig, an international law firm. Here each corporate delegate of the HTP roadshow was given a chance to introduce their company to a Florida-based audience. The meeting concluded with a fruitful discussion about how best to promote HTP Belarus and their corporate members in the US.
Intetics Belarusian entity, InteticsBel, has been a resident of HTP Belarus for 5 years. HTP’s main goal is to develop a comprehensive software development cluster in Belarus, creating beneficial economic conditions for doing business in Belarus. For example, doing business with HTP residents leads to a great number of exemptions from taxes and dues. The conditions created by HTP are some of the most generous for IT companies in Europe.
In addition to business meetings, some members of the delegation met with mayors of cities surrounding Miami, such as the Mayor of North Miami Beach. After the events on Tuesday ended, the rest of the delegation traveled on to Washington D.C. to conclude the roadshow.
Source: Intetics