Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative is a leading Ukrainian alliance in offshore software development and IT outsourcing industry.
Aims and Tasks
- Establish international relations and contacts for cooperation in hi-tech industries
- Establish stable channels for exchanging information with Western companies
- Promote development of hi-tech industries in Ukrainian economy
- Promote the export potential of Ukrainian enterprises engaged in hi-tech industries
- Promote a positive image of Ukrainian hi-tech industries on Western markets
- Promote utilization of scientific potential in products of the Ukrainian hi-tech industries
- Encourage advanced training of hi-tech professionals
- Establish a club of IT-professionals
To accomplish these aims through joint actions of the participants the Hi-Tech Initiative will:
- Directly elaborate and participate in development and discussion of projects, preparation of documents and appeals important for development of hi-tech industries
- Organize and participate in round tables, meetings, seminars, conferences and other events
- Develop continuous cooperation between companies involved in individual industries
- Participate in establishing professional associations and other organizations aimed at consolidation of companies’ endeavors and promotion of their progress
- Maintain contacts and perform joint actions with citizens and institutions of foreign countries
- Cooperate with state bodies, local administration, political parties and movements, trade unions, public associations as well as with business entities to achieve the set goals
- Distribute information about its activities
Participants of the Hi-Tech Initiative:
- Ukrainian software developers that work or intend to work on Western markets
- Ukrainian scientific and research organizations, which possess IT-related technologies having the export potential
- Ukrainian educational establishments, which train IT-specialists and possess substantial scientific potential
- Ukrainian public organizations focused on development of information technologies in Ukraine
- Western companies interested in cooperation with Ukrainian companies involved in hi-tech industries
- Ukrainian hi-tech professionals
- Specialists, working abroad