GlobalLogic is rated as a TOP-5 IT company in Ukraine
On December 15,, a popular Ukrainian IT platform, has published an annual rating of IT companies operating in Ukraine.
This rating is based on the ongoing online evaluation of IT companies by those professionals who collaborate with them.
We are happy to admit that GlobalLogic’s rating went 8 percent points up this year , and now we are in a TOP-5 among the largest ІТ companies.
Other surveys confirm GlobalLogic’s high rating among IT professionals as well. In particular, GlobalLogic has been among ТОР-5 IT Companies according to a survey of Universum, which was held both among students and experienced experts.
GlobalLogic constantly analyzes fields of improvement to ensure the best conditions for creativity, learning, and recreation for its experts. The company puts in great efforts to make these conditions as comfortable as possible. We are grateful to all the participants of the surveys for their appreciation of our efforts!
Source: GlobalLogic