GlobalLogic Java Conference #2 in Krakow: Summary
On April 23, GlobalLogic has held its second Java Conference. With 8 carefully selected presentations and 160+ participants it was as successful as GlobalLogic’s first Java event in Poland.
Today we are glad to share presentations of the conference’s Ukrainian, Polish and American experts.
Dmytro Mantula has opened the conference with a talk on Akka toolkit and its use with Java. He began with the basics of reactive programming and explained the philosophy of this approach.
Next, Dmytro demonstrated how Akka helps create applications in Java and Scala that are in line with reactive programming paradigm. His presentation contains many links that will help understand this question better.
The next talk by Paweł Szulc addressed the paradigms of programming as well. He explained the essence of functional programming and Event Sourcing and showed a code example of how those two models were combined together.
By the way, the program Paweł used as an illustration was a blogger conference app that he wrote for his wife.
In his presentation Ilja Gucalo analyzed the features of Enterprise JavaBeans and Spring. He got interested in this subject after a many-hour interview with a candidate when they discusses pros and cons of EJB and Spring.
Ilja learned the subject profoundly and shared his findings in the talk. He highlighted that both technologies provide similar functional range with identically-looking code, but have different development philosophy. See presentation for details.
Jim Starrett (Vice President, Enterprise Program Management, Bottomline Technologies) has already been in Krakow recently when he held an Agile training for a Bottomline team.
Agile approach is very important for the company. Since 2012 it went through a deep transformation and now there are 50+ Agile/Scrum teams within Bottomline and 1000+ Scrum-trained employees.
In his talk, Jim Starrett shared the company’s success story and described the benefits which the transformation brought in terms of both cooperation with customers and internal team interactions, including distributed teams in GlobalLogic engineering centers in Kyiv, Kharkiv and Krakow.
Antoni Rasul has vast experience as a developer and he has seen many examples of “smelly” code. In his talk he explained how the program’s complexity increases in the course of its evolution and flaws in its design begin to appear and multiply.
Thus, technical debt grows and the cost of program support rises. Antoni demonstrated different types of code smells and advised on the most effective techniques to cope with them.
Next, Tomasz Kleszczyński spoke about building a domain-specific language with Xtext. He began with the general description of DSLs. Next, Tomasz outlined the features of Xtext as a framework for DSL building, as well as spoke of its predeсessor, Eclipse Modelling Framework.
Tomasz has also made a demo of Xtext’s characteristics and explain what’s new in the latest version of Xtext.
Andrii Antilikatorov held a talk on Java performance and the most effective ways to work with Java memory, including memory saving techniques and overcoming of memory barriers. Moreover, Andrii disproved popular myths on speed boosting.
Finally, Bob Ven (CTO, Insurance Solutions, Bottomline Technologies) and Robert Rochford (Senior Product Development Manager, Bottomline Technologies), spoke about the market position of Bottomline and its products that are being developed by a team in Krakow.
In fact, Bottomline’s client base includes 60 of the Fortune 100 companies, 15 of the top 25 global banks and 13 of the top 25 insurance companies. The products that Bob Ven highlighted include Paymode-X, a cloud-based payments solution for businesses, and a variety of legal solutions for Bottolmline’s clients.
Bob Ven spoke about the company’s approach to the development of these products and GlobalLogic’s input in their success.
The conference was supported by Bottomline Technologies, a world-recognized leader in international business transactions. GlobalLogic and Bottomline Technologies are glad to see the interest of Ukrainian and Polish developers to Java programming. The two companies invite all those who are in search of cool projects to pay attention to open positions in GlobalLogic Krakow office.
Source: GlobalLogic