The Federation of Employers of Ukraine and Softengi launched a new portal
The Federation of Employers of Ukraine (FEU), which represents the interests of employers not only in Ukraine, but also at the international level, launched a new portal allowing working more effectively with the business and bringing Federation’s internal business processes to a new level.
The new FEU portal was developed based on Microsoft SharePoint 2013 platform by Softengi, well-known software developer in the IT market and a member of the Intecracy Group international IT-consortium.
Earlier, the Federation of Employers of Ukraine has used the web site, allowing users just to find needed information, but not allowing more personalized and detailed interaction with the system. In order to establish the internal business processes of the organization, create electronic documentation, which not only saves the environment, but also reduces the costs, as well as more effective interaction with users, the Federation has decided to create their own portal.
Now the Federation of Employers of Ukraine is represented not just by the web site, but new portal based on Microsoft SharePoint 2013 platform, which fully meets the needs of the modern user. This platform used to create the internal portal allows the user to create own account and keep a personal profile, create blogs, store electronic documents, and create and store information for registered portal members with different access levels. Moreover, the portal developed by Softengi specifically for FUE, has a flexible and customizable functionality allowing adding or modifying the necessary functions for the customer at any time without significant time and material costs.
Due to the fact that the new FEU portal created by Softengi at the Microsoft SharePoint platform, the user works in the familiar Microsoft Office environment, which does not require additional funds for staff training by the customer.
The newly developed portal of the Federation of Employers of Ukraine led the organization’s work to a new level by setting up and speeding up not only interaction of FUE with business, but also the internal processes of interaction between employees for effective implementation of projects and initiatives, as well as establishing equal cooperation with the government, trade unions and other stakeholders.
Source : Softengi