eLearning Forum in Ukraine
On 14-15 of December eLearning Forum will gather in Kiev for the third time both pioneers and experienced distance learning market researchers to learn, master and implement new EdTech trends of the coming year.
What to expect?
- 2 conference days
- 2 thematic streams – “Online learning as a business” and “Corporate online learning”
- 9 hours of cases, frank interviews and hot discussions
- 16 TOP speakers
- Workshop day
- Showroom of EdTech solutions
- Atmospheric afterparty and a lot of networking!
Program of the eLearning Forum:
- Life hacking on scaling and monetization of an online project
- Insights on customer acquisition and employee training using chat bots
- Cases of the implementation of corporate eLearning
- Revelations of event organizers for course developers
- TOP formats of distance learning: video courses, hybrid programs, flipped learning
- Leading trends in digital etagogics
- Strategies for motivating and engaging people above 50