New Public-Private Agency to Incubate Defense Technologies in Ukraine
Last month saw the launch of the Innovations Development Platform (IDP), Ukraine’s first agency dedicated to the incubation and development of innovative defense projects.
Inspired by Israel’s Chief Scientist’s Office, this public-private partnership initiative aims to bring together developers, experts and investors “to develop innovations for the Ukrainian army and foreign partners in transparent commercial conditions.”
Developers with the most promising ideas will be selected from local higher education institutions, R&D organizations, design bureaus and enterprises. They will benefit from the agency’s expertise and equipment.
Priority will be given to projects that can be implemented by the military in less than two years.
Investors will be involved in each of the selected projects to ensure serial production.
In the future, an industrial park to manufacture the devices developed by the platform residents will be created in partnership with Technology Companies’ Development Centre.
The IDP was launched by Spetstechnoexport, a state enterprise for arms import-export, in partnership with industry association Ukrainian Defense Industry and Kyiv-Mohyla Business School.
Ukraine is a sizeable player on the global arms market, with a share of roughly 3% between 2010 and 2014. However, the country’s sales decreased significantly after 2014.
As reported last year by the Kyiv Post, industry analysts point out the lack of facilities to manufacture products that are in demand in the market. The reputation of some Ukrainian suppliers on the international arms market also leaves to be desired.
Source: International Digital News