CIO CEE Business Forum
November 8, 2012 - November 9, 2012
Gaining Insight Into Best Practices
Today, the economic environment dictates new rules of business games – accepting the rules is the only way for companies to succeed. Therefore, companies are seeking a new optimal strategy to remain competitive. Successful and innovative IT strategies are regarded as a key tool leading to business efficiency and profits. Moreover, the changing business environment requires more from the CIOs. Today’s CIO is not only a technology guru, but also a successful strategist and a process manager, whose main responsibility is to build a solid IT base for a company’s future strategic growth and success, while working with limited budgets The CIO CEE interactive business platform will give insight into the most topical and crucial issues surrounding the IT department and CIOs. Attendees will have a unique chance to share their experience, discuss important topics and find answers to critical questionsDiscuss, share your knowledge and learn from your peers:
- Bringing IT to a different level of importance – Exploring potentials
- IT Transformation
- IT Performance management for strategic decisions
- Enterprise 2.0 – Envisioning smarter work with great Enterprise Apps
- Outsourcing as one of the cost-efficiency tools
- Shaping your business to cloud
- IT Architecture optimisation and the agile approach for supporting implementation of business strategy
- IT Service and security
Who Should Attend:
- Vice President IT
- IT Director
- Head of IT
- Head of Technology
From The Following Industries:
- Food and Beverage
- IT and Hi Tech
- Manufacturing
- Financial
- Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices
- Electronics
- Telecommunication
- Plastics
- Pulp and Paper
- Agriculture
- Metal and Steel
- Oil & Gas
- Automotive
- Energy
- Aerospace and Defence