CEEOA starts the annual research “CEE IT Outsourcing Review” and launches ITOlist.eu – catalogue of ITO companies
17 March, 2010 – Sofia –
Central and Eastern European Outsourcing Association (CEEOA) is pleased to announce that they started the research “Central and Eastern Europe IT Outsourcing Review 2009” – annual review of IT outsourcing services providers markets in 16 countries of Central and Eastern Europe.The CEE region is one of the leading providers of IT outsourcing services on the global market and is rapidly developing due to its geographic proximity to the European consumers of outsourcing services and compatibility of cultural environment to the North American consumers. The main objectives of the “CEE IT Outsourcing Review” is to determine the volume of IT outsourcing services providers markets, to research the trends of IT outsourcing industry development and the advantages of each country regarding the IT outsourcing development in this country, and some fundamental information for the potential consumers of outsourcing services about the first steps while looking for the providers.
For the first time the research “Central and Eastern Europe IT Outsourcing Review” was conducted in early 2008 for the year 2007. The 2007 research report "Central and Eastern Europe IT Outsourcing Review 2007" indicated that there was a great interest to the CEE as a prospective region for IT outsourcing services. The report was accessed by an estimated 10,000 people and many research companies used it as a resource for their commercial reports. Thus, in 2008 KPMG referenced the report in their own research ‘Exploring Global Frontiers’. Following positive feedback for the 2007 Report, the CEEOA decided to commission an annual research on CEE IT Outsourcing Review, resulting in the 2008 Report conducted in early 2009. Currently the report is the most full and demanded analytical source about the IT outsourcing development in the CEE region.
The report 2009 will consists of the following key sections: introduction, expert views/estimations on the market development, analytical review of the main indicators of IT outsourcing providers market, country profiles, profiles of experts and partners, profiles of the companies-respondents.
In 2007 and 2008 the data for the reports were gathered by interviewing the national IT, software and outsourcing associations, the largest IT, software and consulting companies and experts from 16 countries of the CEE region. This year CEEOA launches the online survey for the research which will facilitate the interviewing of the companies. It is expected that at least 50 companies from each country will participate in the online survey with total number of more than 800 respondents. This online survey will be the base for the catalogue of IT outsourcing companies from the CEE region – ITOlist.eu.
The representative of Bulgarian Web Association noted, “This year we launch the online survey for our research and thus we expect to attract more respondents. The questionnaire is more detailed and this will allow us to make our market estimations more precise. We hope that the launch of the catalogue of IT outsourcing services providers from the CEE region – ITOlist.eu that will be based on the online survey will be significant event on the global outsourcing market . The catalogue will unite all ITO providers from Central and Eastern Europe and will become the efficient communication channel between the potential customers and providers. We consider that ITOlist.eu will facilitate the selection process of providers for the interested customers.”
The report “CEE IT Outsourcing Review” is one of the free distribution reports, and that allows reaching the maximal distribution of the information among the potential outsourcing services consumers.
CEEOA kindly invite all the companies providing IT outsourcing services from the CEE region to participate in the online survey – http://research.ceeoa.org The participation in the research will allow your company to get the recognition as one of the active players in the IT outsourcing services provision market in the CEE region. Participating in the research your company get the free brief profile in the report "Central and Eastern Europe IT Outsourcing Review 2009" and the free profile on ITOlist.eu (http://www.itolist.eu) – the catalogue of IT outsourcing companies from Central and Eastern Europe.
Central and Eastern European Outsourcing Association (CEEOA) (www.ceeoa.org) was founded in 2008. The members of the association are the leading national IT and Outsourcing associations from the Central and Eastern Europe, among them Baltic Outsourcing Association (BOA), Ukrainian HI-TECH Initiative, Hungarian Service Industry and Outsourcing Association (HOA), Employers’ Association of the Software and Services Industry (ANIS) from Romania, Bulgarian Web Association (BWA) and ASPIRE – Association of IT & Business Process Services Companies (Poland). One of the main objectives of CEEOA is to promote the Central and Eastern European Region as competitive alternative to other Global offshoring destinations, and to increase services delivery quality and volume to the recognized standards.