Binary Studio Partners With Lviv Polytechnic National University

Collaborating and supporting IT communities and Universities has been among our key priorities for the last 5 years.

And now, having launched our new development centre in Lviv, we established partnership with Lviv Polytechnic University to work together on technical development of university students.

Lviv Polytechnic University is one of the largest and the oldest technical educational institutions in Ukraine and Eastern Europe.

It has been graduating highly qualified specialists in the fields of science and technology for over 170 years. According to statistics Lviv Polytechnic is among top 5 students choose for obtaining their degree in computer science and information technologies.

Together with Lviv Polytechnic University we help to improve technical proficiency of students and teachers. Thus, in May we held classes on real-time web-applications, mobile and watch apps, touched on the topic of cloud computing and high load or how to build an application to handle millions of users.

Whereafter, Binary Studio was offered to deliver a course of lectures and take part in improvement of an education programme.

Within this new partnership, ICSIT teachers have free access to BS Academy online lectures. And we are especially proud that among graduates of BS Academy 2015 there are students of Lviv Polytechnic National University.

Lviv, being number one IT city in Ukraine, offers multiple forms of cooperation to companies and communities. So now, Binary Studio is looking forward to future long-standing partnerships to successfully innovate and work together on “grand challenges”.

Source: Binary Studio