Workshop “Technologies for information search and retrieval in business and education”
October 15, 2008
Association for Computing Machinery
( is the world’s largest educational and scientific computing society, founded in 1947, which now has around 90 000 members. It is widely recognized as the premier membership organization for computing professionals, delivering resources that advance computing as a science and a profession; enable professional development; and promote policies and research that benefit society. ACM hosts the computing industry’s leading Digital Library and Guide to Computing Literature, and serves its global members and the computing profession with journals and magazines, conferences, workshops, electronic forums, and Online Books and Courses. ACM is organized into about 170 local chapters and 34 Special Interest Groups (SIGs), through which it conducts most of its activities. Additionally, there are over 500 college and university chapters. ACM (co)organizes over 120 conferences annually, including conferences on computer graphics (SIGGRAPH); data communications (SIGCOMM); mobile computing (SIGMOBILE); knowledge discovery and data mining (KDD); software engineering (SIGSOFT); high performance computing (SC); human computer interaction (SIGCHI); object-oriented programming (OOPSLA); and freedom and privacy (CFP).Ukrainian Chapter of the ACM was established at the beginning of 2008 with the aim to support the development of scientific and professional computing knowledge in Ukraine. The workshop “Technologies for Information Search and Retrieval in Business and Education” will be the first from the planned quarterly ACM events in Ukraine, and will host an invited talk by Professor Alexander Wolf (Imperial College London) – an ACM Fellow, a member of the Executive Committee of the ACM Council and holder of numerous awards in software engineering.
The workshop will be held at the