Is it Necessary to Test Automated Tests?

Automated testing instruments may contain errors, as any software products. So, one must check them before using.

As a rule, automated tests contain fewer defects than ordinary software product. The reason for this is that automated tests are not as complex as other applications. But that’s not to say that automated instruments must not be tested.

Testing of the instruments should begin at the stage of their development. White-box testing is often applied for this purpose.

It is recommended to use test-driven development for creating automated tests. This technique assumes a number of short development cycles. With this method automated tests are efficient, but rather simple. It is known that simplicity significantly reduces probability of errors.

At present automated tests for mobile application testing, desktop testing and web site testing often include window objects. Such elements make the tests more complex. A professional software testing company recommends elaborating separate tests for window objects. They should focus on navigation, as stability of automated tests greatly depends upon navigation.

Test engineers must make sure that the appropriate windows open in course of testing. It is also necessary to check if all the needed elements are present and locate where they should on the window.

Source: QATestlab