What are Peculiarities of Stored Procedure Testing?

Stored procedure is a constituent part of a database. It’s a set of SQL instructions that can have different parameters, variables, and execute different operations with data. It plays an important role, as it is responsible for data processing.

If something is wrong with a stored procedure, the user data can be damaged, lost or improperly processed. Defects in at least one stored procedure make any program inadequate for usage.

That is why one should pay due attention to checking stored procedures in course of any web site testing, desktop testing and mobile testing.

Testing of a stored procedure includes many aspects. Automated testingtools are often used during their checking.

One Should Check:

  • if the tested stored procedure is properly installed in the database;
  • correctness of its name according to the requirements;
  • correctness of names, types and number of the parameters;
  • if the tested stored procedure appropriately grants access to the users with different access types;
  • if there are any defects in processing and outputting data.

A software testing company always reminds its testers to make sure that all the aspects of stored procedures of the software are covered with tests and no serious defect is overlooked during mobile application testing, desktop testing or web site testing.

Source: QATestLab