Usability Testing vs GUI Testing

There are various types of software products testing. Some of them have much in common and in some cases, a newcomer testing finds it difficult to differentiate somehow similar test types. On the other hand, the variety of testing procedure ensures the thorough checking of the product under development.

Besides that, a tester should be aware of the specifics of all widespread testing types, he should know the algorithm of the execution procedure, applied methodologies, etc. Usually, the newcomer tester may mix the following test types: unit testing and integration testing, white and black box testing, exploratory and Ad-Hoc testing, etc.

Also, a lot of questions are caused by usability and GUI testing. Both they are oriented to the end user and provide a high quality of the product.

What Is the Difference Between Usability and GUI Testing?

  • GUI testing is used to check whether the product meets all the requirements for product design. The specialists test fonts, their size, color, arrangement of the elements, etc. Usability testing checks whether the product is easy-to-use and other usability aspects.
  • GUI testing defines and analyzes the emotions of potential users. Usability checking is focused on the user’s impressions of using the product.
  • The product form and appearance are checked by GUI tests. Usability checking is based on the end users.
  • GUI testing deals with the product interface, usability checking – the general quality of the product.
  • While performing GUI testing, the specialists check the product GUI on various platforms to make sure that the interface is adopted properly.

Source: QATestLab