What Is the Specifics of TDD?

There are different programing technologies and methodologies. Each of them has its own purposes and peculiarities. Some development methods are closely connected with software testing. For example, TDD (Test Driven Development).

Kent Beck is considered to be the creator of TDD. From the very beginning, TDD was closely connected with the test-first concept that was used in XP (Extreme Programming).

This technique is not applied by the vast majority of developers. It is not so widespread. But both testers and developers are well-acquainted with its specifics. Every software testing company promotes the career development and skill improvement of each employee. TDD is a good way to challenge the tester’s skills and knowledge.

The TDD technique is based on the repetition of very short development cycles. The main participants of TDD are developer, tester, and client. Every member fulfills the defined duties during the test-driven development. Its procedure is divided into several stages.

What Are the Steps of TDD?

  • A negative test case is defined and written.
  • A developer writes the scope of code that will be just enough to pass the test case.
  • The code is refactored according to the available standards. The aim of this stage is to simplify and improve the code.

The TDD technique provides the immediate feedback of code functioning. This information can be used by the specialists who will perform functional testing, system checking, unit testing, acceptance testing, performance testing, etc. It will help to conduct the testing procedure effective and efficient.

Source: QATestLab